SDHCAL website


The SDHCAL is a stainless steel hadronic sampling calorimeter made with glass resistive plate chambers (GRPC) with embedded readout electronics as sensitive medium it is the first technological prototype of a particle flow algorithm (PFA) oriented calorimeter developped within the CALICE collaboration.

The SDHCAL has been designed for the ILD detector of the International Linear Collider project (ILC). For ILD, an ingenious mechanical structure avoiding cracks has been designed. This design implies variable length for the sensitive medium with a maximum size of 0.9x3m^2. The challenges for this design are to obtain GRPC response homogeneity for large area, an active detector with a thickness of only a few mm including the embedded low power consumption electronics and all the services on one side of the detector.

A technological prototype meeting all the above challenges has been conceived as a demonstrator. It is made with a stainless steel selfMsupporting structure able to hold up to 50 GRPC cassettes. A cassette is 11mm thick and is a steel cover containing the GRPC and the embedded electronics.

selected publications

  1. Construction and commissioning of a technological prototype of a high-granularity semi-digital hadronic calorimeter
    Baulieu, G., Bedjidian, M., Belkadhi, K., Berenguer, J., Boudry, V., Calabria, P., Callier, S., Almillo, E. Calvo, Cap, S., Caponetto, L., Combaret, C., Cornat, R., Gil, E. Cortina, Callatay, B., Davin, F., Taille, C., Dellanegra, R., Delaunay, D., Doizon, F., Dulucq, F., Eynard, A., Fouz, M-C., Gastaldi, F., Germani, L., Grenier, G., Haddad, Y., Han, R., Ianigro, J-C., Kieffer, R., Laktineh, I., Lumb, N., Manai, K., Mannai, S., Mathez, H., Mirabito, L., Prast, J., Pelayo, J. Puerta, Ruan, M., Schirra, F., Seguin-Moreau, N., Steen, A., Tromeur, W., Tytgat, M., Donckt, M. Vander, Vouters, G., and Zaganidis, N.